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TWP 2025 Summer Camp Begins in:
Apply for help for your child today! Click below
Information for Donors and Sponsors
The WAVE Program is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization offering a two-week summer camp for girls and boys ages 10-12. The program focuses on sports, fitness, nutrition, music and the arts.
This program is FREE for all participants.
Thank you for your financial support to The Wave Program. We hope you will consider being a business sponsor, a member of the "Club of 50", a monthly supporter, or a one-time donor.
With your support, we will build our youth into outstanding citizens by developing respect, loyalty, sportsmanship, and a strong work ethic (while having lots of fun)!
Sponsorship Opportunities for Businesses
Business Sponsorship ($1,000)**
- Each child will receive a plastic laundry bag for their swim gear. We will gladly print your business name or logo on these heavy-duty reusable bags.
Sponsor a Sport ($500)**
- Choose your sport! Sponsor basketball, football, tennis, or whatever sport you choose. With your donation, the Wave Program will purchase the sports equipment (balls, bats, gloves, art supplies), so each child can fully participate in that sport during the camp. There will be 15-30 kids per class and six classes per day over the two-week camp.
Sponsor a Child ($250)**
- There are 450 kids eligible for the Wave Program. Each participant will receive a backpack, t-shirt, daily cliff bar and drink, daily lunch, bag tag, and personal bag for swim gear. Each participate will attend the camp 8 hours per day for two weeks, and take part in all of the classes/sports below
Donor Opportunities
Join the Club of 50
- We are looking for 50 donors who will donate $1000 each. The Club of 50 will be recognized on the Wave website, on our flier, and in newspaper advertising. The Club of 50 will be invited to our awards ceremony at the end of the two-week camp where we will recognize the best student participants with various awards. We will also honor our Club of 50 with a Wave Dinner at the end of the year where we will celebrate this program and our most generous donors.
One-Time Donation of $500
- $500 can go a long way toward helping us buy the equipment we need to run a successful sports camp. With your donation, we will purchase balls, bats, and gloves so each child can fully participate in every sport. We would also like to recognize your generosity by posting your name on our website, in our flier, and in the local newspaper. Sports equipment will be donated to the schools at the end of camp.
One-Time Donation of $250:
- Every donation makes a difference and will help us ensure that we have the best coaches, volunteers, clean and safe equipment, and happy participants. With your donation, you will be recognized on our Wave website, and your gift will help us accept more children into the program.
Local Support
- At www.thewaveprogram.org you can sign up for recurring donations that will be automatically deducted from your checking account or credit card. You can set the number and frequency of the donations. $10, $20, or $50 every month will make a big difference, and knowing we have your continued support will make our program even stronger!
Monthly Donation (any amount):
- Everything The Wave Program does is in support of Pacific Grove. Our printing, purchases, banking, our coaches and volunteers, our participants, all of our food and equipment – it all comes from local PG businesses. The program supports kids who attend PG Schools and builds a strong community by generating business in Pacific Grove! Help us help the kids and businesses in Pacific Grove!

Thank You for Your Support!!
How to Donate to The Wave Program
You can send a check payable to The Wave Program, addressed to:
The Wave Program of Pacific Grove
1160 Seaview Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Ph: (408) 960-5194
Questions About the Wave Program??
Contact any of these local Wave Program leaders with questions YOU may have.
Darryl Smith
Co-Founder &Executive Director
Katie Ryan
Vice-President/Grant Writer
Stephen Adams
Gilles Gameiro
Asst. Treasurer/CFO
Diane Resetar
Honorary Board Member
Donna O'Donnell-Smith
Caroline Coen
Founder Wave Writers
Cristopher Rosas
Founder Math Mates
Virginia E. Howard
Jessica Smith
Social Media Director
Jordan Gasperson
Activity Director
Frank Snowden
Board Member
Donald Mothershead
Board Member
Roxanne J. Viray
Board Member
Linda Williams
Board Member
Recognition of Partner of TWP